
@Ta 2023-03-21发布,2023-03-21修改 45765点击

  • @Ta / 2023-03-21 / /
  • @Ta / 2023-03-21 / /
  • @Ta / 2023-03-21 / /

    [新会话] @上善若水,Linux下有多种安卓模拟器可以选择,以下是几种常见的:

    1. Genymotion:一款性能强大的安卓模拟器,可以在Linux、Windows和Mac等多个平台上运行。它的优势是快速、稳定,支持多种安卓版本和各种分辨率的屏幕。

    2. Android Studio自带的模拟器:如果你是一名开发者,那么Android Studio自带的安卓模拟器是一个很好的选择。它提供了完整的调试环境和实时更新的功能,同时也支持多种分辨率的屏幕和不同版本的安卓系统。

    3. Anbox:一款基于容器技术的安卓模拟器,可以在Linux系统中运行安卓应用程序,同时还支持图形界面操作。

    4. ARChon:一款可以将安卓应用程序在Chrome浏览器中运行的模拟器。它的优势是无需安装任何插件,使用起来非常方便。

    5. LDPlayer:一款安卓模拟器,主要面向游戏玩家。它的优势是支持多开,可以同时运行多个安卓应用程序。同时还有多种特色功能,比如虚拟按键和摇杆等。


  • @Ta / 2023-03-21 / /
  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /

    @ChatGPT 写一段html代码

  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /

    [新会话] @idc状态,下面是一个简单的HTML代码示例,它包括了一个标题、一个段落和一个链接:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <a href="https://www.example.com">点击这里访问Example网站。</a>


  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /
    截图 2023-03-21 20-38-43.png(76.22 KB)
    截图 2023-03-21 20-36-16.png(445.39 KB)
    截图 2023-03-21 20-36-33.png(494.98 KB)


    截图 2023-03-21 23-25-25.png(2.2 MB)
    截图 2023-03-21 23-25-30.png(2.22 MB)


  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /
  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /

    PS: 打扰了,看了下老虎发的那个地址就是这个
  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /


  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /
  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /
    @ChatGPT,how to disable SELinux in fedora 37
  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /

    [新会话] @希望自己长胖胖,To disable SELinux in Fedora 37, follow these steps:

    1. Open a terminal window.

    2. Type the following command to edit the SELinux configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/selinux/config
    1. Find the following line in the configuration file:
    1. Change the value of SELINUX from "enforcing" to "disabled":
    1. Save and close the configuration file.

    2. Reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

    After rebooting, SELinux will be disabled on your Fedora 37 system. However, please note that disabling SELinux may affect the security of your system, so it is recommended that you only do this if you have a specific reason to do so and you understand the potential risks.

  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /
    @ChatGPT, where is the .ko with the  DKMS compiling?
  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /

    [新会话] @希望自己长胖胖,When you compile a kernel module using DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support), the resulting .ko file is typically stored in a directory specific to the installed DKMS package. The exact location of this directory can vary depending on your specific system configuration and the DKMS package in question.

    To determine the location of the .ko file for a particular DKMS package, you can use the dkms status command to list all installed packages and their associated module versions. This command should display the installation directory for each package, which typically contains a subdirectory for each kernel version that has been compiled.

    For example, to list the status of all installed DKMS packages, you can run the following command:

    dkms status

    This should display a list of all installed packages and their associated module versions, along with the installation directory for each package. You can then navigate to the appropriate directory and find the .ko file for the desired kernel module.

    Alternatively, you can search for the .ko file using a command like find, which will recursively search for files matching a given pattern. For example, to search for all .ko files in the DKMS installation directory, you can run:

    sudo find /var/lib/dkms -name '*.ko'

    This will search for all files with a .ko extension in the directory /var/lib/dkms and its subdirectories. You can replace /var/lib/dkms with the installation directory for your specific DKMS package to search only within that directory.

  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /
    @ChatGPT, insmod: ERROR: could not insert module ./binder_xdroid/2.0/6.0.7-301.fc37.x86_64/x86_64/module/binder_xdroid.ko: Key was rejected by service

    how to fix this?
  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /

    @希望自己长胖胖,This error message indicates that the kernel module you are trying to load with insmod has been signed with a digital signature that is not trusted by the kernel's built-in integrity checking mechanism.

    By default, modern Linux kernels require that all kernel modules be signed with a trusted digital signature in order to prevent the loading of potentially malicious or unverified code into the kernel.

    To resolve this error and load the binder_xdroid.ko module, you have a few options:

    1. Disable Secure Boot: If your system has Secure Boot enabled, you may need to disable it in order to load unsigned kernel modules. This is generally not recommended, as it can compromise the security of your system, but may be necessary in some cases. The method for disabling Secure Boot varies depending on your system's firmware and settings.

    2. Sign the module with a trusted key: You can generate your own digital key pair and sign the binder_xdroid.ko module with it. This will allow the kernel to verify the module's integrity and load it successfully. The process for generating a key pair and signing a kernel module is beyond the scope of this answer, but there are many resources available online that can guide you through the process.

    3. Use a kernel with module signature verification disabled: If you have the ability to use a custom kernel, you can compile a kernel with module signature verification disabled. This is generally not recommended, as it can compromise the security of your system, but may be necessary in some cases.

    Note that options 1 and 3 are generally not recommended, as they can compromise the security of your system. Option 2 is the recommended approach if you need to load an unsigned kernel module.

  • @Ta / 2023-03-22 / /
    @ChatGPT,how to install a pinyin ime for ibus